Doll house of Jedediah Hawkins Inn

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A doll house replica of Jedediah Hawkins Inn, built by Roy Rasmussen.

A lover of historical homes, Mr. Rasmussen built the house after reading an article in Newsday on the restoration of Jedediah Hawkins Inn. This is one of many doll houses, he has built, some of which are exhibited in the Doll House Museum of Kentucky. Come see the doll house, displayed in our parlor for the holidays.

Doll house with lights, a replica of Jedediah Hawkins Inn, on display in the parlor at Jedediah Hawkins Inn.

Doll house with lights, a replica of Jedediah Hawkins Inn, on display in the parlor at Jedediah Hawkins Inn.

Opening on March 14 for Dinner and on March 22 for Brunch