Beer On Tap in the Speakeasy at Jedediah Hawkins Inn

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Jedediah Hawkins is beefing up our beer on tap selection in the Speakeasy! Some on our list are featured in Yahoo Travel’s list of the best breweries in each state. On Yahoo’s list are Green Flash Brewing Co. in California and Allagash Brewing Company in Maine. We also have local beers on tap from Greenport Brewery and Crooked Ladder.


Left hand brewing company, Longmont Colorado: Fade Black

Ballast point Brewing Company, San Diego California: Grape fruit

Allagash Brewing Company, Portland Maine: White

Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, New York: Iron Throne

Maine Beer Company, Freeport Maine: Peeper

Greenport Brewery, Greenport, New York: Anti-Freeze

Crooked Ladder Brewing Company, Riverhead NY: Gypsy Red

Green Flash Brewing Company, San Diego California: West Coast IPA

Warwick Valley Winery, Warwick New York: Doc’s Pumpkin Cider

Great South Bay Brewery, Bay Shore NY: Blood Orange IPA


Opening on March 14 for Dinner and on March 22 for Brunch